9:30 PM 78 degrees.
More excitement. The cover art is on Amazon along with my Amazon author blog.
What is so cool is John's book is coupled with mine (buy together) and "Readers who bought LOTTERY also bought
I think that is so cool!
The connections that are being forged through blogging with other authors is fascinating.
We are learning from each other and networking. It makes the process not so alarming cuz guys...it can be fairly alarming.
Because most of what goes on has little to do with writing.
For instance a decision I had to make over the last couple months was whether to use an outside publicist in addition to the publisher's publicist. It was a discussion that involved both my publisher and agent and was not done lightly.
For me when the dust settled there was only one firm to go with:
I feel fortunate that they felt my novel was one they could be enthusiastic about working with.
What I thought was relatively simple has become complex with a multitude of components.
Book tours?
Reader's Groups?
And who gets those pesky ARCs anyway?
The Advanced Reader Copies are for readers who are willing to be enthusiastic about the book, they are for reviewers, for other authors, and for blurbs among other things.
They are not just to give to cousins and friends (Sorry Mary...you too Peggy).
You never get enough ARCs and there are always people you really want to send one to but you just don't have enough.
It is common for authors to "over promise" and I have been guilty of this.
So now?
I wait for reviews. I wait for feedback. I wait.
Sound familiar?