79 degrees and 9 am. To all of you who received my email and it was unwanted I apologize. I am ironing out the gliches to perfect my mailing list to easily let readers know where I will be and when. Heck...my husband asked to be on the list...
My readers group chat saturday morning on ichat (with video and everything) with
THE WRITERLY PAUSE group in California. Note: They ate in front of me the entire time.
But I did have a blast talking to them!
1. Changing over primarily to patricia@patriciawoodauthor.com
gmail is lovely but it limits what I can do. I'm not interested in doing the spam thing. I want people on my list that want to hear from me. Please if you haven't already - email me at patricia@patriciawoodauthor.com so you are in my address book. I don't want to lose anyone!
2. trying Trying TRYing TRYING to do another pass on manuscript number 2 -- (which is actually manuscript 4) I need to prepare for the Maui Writers Retreat and it is HARD!!!! Because I spend my time: (see number 3)
3. Coping with distractions:
emails from friends who saw me on TV
"Was that you?"
"Hey I saw you!"
"Send me a copy of your book!"
"I didn't know you wrote a book!"
emails from my editor, agent, publicist 1, publicist 2, publicist 3, assistant to publicist 1, assistant to publicist 2, assistant to publicist 3, assistant to my agent, assistant to my editor, marketing person 1,2,3&4, Feature editor to send a photographer out, Photographer to figure out where I am, Thing 1 and Thing 2...
Being photographed on my boat, holding my billowing skirt down to cover my ass, and smiling...smiling...smiling...
4. Helping manic mom's blog do the contest - it is her Kuleana (as we say in Hawaii) I just had to make sure she got the list for whose entered for the drawing.
5. Finalizing my new website PATRICIAWOODAUTHOR.COM and driving the webmasters CRAZY (Kaha and my husband) with my continual little changes!
6. Reading all the blogs but having NO TIME to comment on my favorites...
8. My neighbor knocking on my hull ("Did you know your sump has been running for hours and no water has been coming out?") EEEEKKKKKK!!!!!
This all is only a tenth of my list FYI
How are all these like a moray eels open mouth?
My time is eaten up eaten up eaten up...
Yeah yeah yeah. We know you're mostly involved with Number 7.
Me thinks it's time for Pat to get an assistant! Seems like everybody else on the "Lottery" team has one!
Seriously, the DH can only handle so much. Any local colleges there with student interns to be hired out for free or slave wages? A baby shark to take a bite out of all those chores?
What happened to Manic Mom? Thought the contest winner would be announced by now?
Contest winner will be announced first thing Monday!!!!
Google alerts would save you some time.
I already do google alerts but consider that the word LOTTERY gets me all kinds of junk!!!!
I agree with Mindy. It's all about #7!
Wow, three publicists! I'm seriously impressed, Patricia. Your star is rising so try to relax and enjoy the ride.
Whew! I'm exhausted just reading that list!
Don't forget #9: Breathe.
Sounds like a nice problem.
Hey, do you think its worth trying to go to the MWC even if the Manuscript Marketplace is closed? Also looks like getting into the hotel could be tough...
My daughter says she'd rather I skipped the parent thing the weekend she starts college. I should have guessed--I didn't get a goodbye on her first day of kindergarten, either.
To me the retreat and conference is well worth it. If you have questions email me.
I thing the workshops at the conference are really useful and the agent-editor consults are a real learning experience plus it really helps to put that on a query letter envelope. "Met at Maui"
Besides I have been invited to present at the conference with Holly Kennedy and Jacquelyn Mitchard and then the three of us are doing a signing. You can be there!
There are a row of hotels within walking distance and it's a lovely area -
From the crew at The Writerly Pause.
THANK YOU for spending so much time with us! We not only ate in front of you the whole time, we kept dogs from leaping out of windows when the FEDEx man came by, and all the time wished you were either here or we were there. Oh, by the way, I counted six different artisan cheeses, olives, wonderful bread and fruit. Not to worry, we're sending a care package.
Your article will go up on July 30, shortly before your launch (along with a few other tricks we've got got up our sleeve). Yeah, it's a surprise.
Today, Dave Cunningham is going to guest blog about Critiques: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. So do stop in and leave our guest a little note.
Think Dean Koontz will be as receptive? Or Annie Proulx, Haruki Murakami? We'll see... and we can only hope.
Here's a sneak preview of our chat with you over on the LA Times Pressmen's blog.
Sharing this journey with you cyberistically (!) is terribly exciting.
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