Wednesday, January 03, 2007



From Publishers Weekly 1/1/07
"Putnam's Peternelle van Arsdale has acquired North American rights to Patricia Wood's Lotteryfrom Dorian Karchmar at William Morris. This debut novel is about a man with mental challenges who wins $12 million and discovers both his true friends as well as the deep reserve of his own abilities. Wood, lives on a sailboat in Hawaii. She already has blurbs from Paul Theroux and Jacquelyn Mitchard; Putnam plans to publish in fall 2007, and Berkley will follow in paperback."

I feel official.
My Novel LOTTERY is slated to be released August 2007.


Zany Mom said...


Anonymous said...

Soooo waaaaay cooolll!

Kimber An

ORION said...

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

How Cool is THAT?????
Now I see what you meant by my comment - LOL!!!!
That is Fabulous - whoo hoo!!
Can't wait to see the website!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I got up this morning and checked you blog hopping this would be here and I was too early. Wow! That is so exciting! And three languages already. I am just so happy for you!


Anonymous said...

Well done!! And congrats. I read and re-read
the "catalog" description on your website and it
says more to me each time. Especially the part about
what we are all "capable" of. You are a wonderful example of how much people are capable of...
horsepersonship, teacher, student, medical technologist, sailor, diver, AUTHOR and sooooo
much more!! And best, to me and others who
are fortunate to know you—friend:)


Heidi the Hick said...

THAT is awesome!

I'm so glad you found your way over to my blog! Now I'll have to catch up on my reading over here at your place.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of publishing, Pat. And, yes, you'll now have to say you're an AUTHOR, which makes everything feel less surreal. I'm so happy for you!

Sharon Maas said...

Fabulous! Yes, now it's official (It was official before but now it's in black and white!)
I haven't heard from Emily yet but I assume she'll be submitting to editors this week. I am very busy distracting myself with another fun writing project (news on that coming up soon!) and redeocating my house. I discovered long ago that the best thing is just not to think too much....

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a cool book, too! Contrats!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo - congratulations!!! You're right, there's something about seeing it listed "officially" that makes it, well, official :)

Your novel sounds fanatastic - I look forward to next Fall!!!

Anonymous said...

Brava Pat!

That is so very wonderful!

I look forward to seeing your book on the shelves in August! (and you can bet I will be getting my copy as soon as I see it!)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Sounds like a great story!

Anonymous said...


Well done, cat lover, well done.