Sunday, April 20, 2008


Last week was wild. I started with one conference then ended with another, and had a few book clubs sprinkled in.

I think though, this is a first. A book club traveled to Hawaii and met up with me...well actually... they were visiting their member Dolores who moved from California. Their club decided to pick my book and who knew? Dolores lives within walking distance of the marina where I live!
I was fed well and they had to kick me out it was so much fun...I met up with them later when they were about to board a catamaran for a pleasure cruise.

As I said before participating with book clubs is beyond fun AND if it's not by speaker phone I get to eat good things.

Remember when I was talking about translators and foreign publishers? Well my Spanish publisher has really been proactive. Check out this...

Touloose was extraordinarily upset he was not asked to star in it.
In order to placate him I had to make him a tiny crown, tell him he was the king of the world, and take his photo.

And then when I was walking down the dock...
What did I spy?

Yes. That's right. An ORANGE dragonfly...


Janet said...

Very cool trailer!

Chris Eldin said...

That group of ladies looks seriously fun! :-)
Poor Touloose. But just tell him the bunny is his stand-in.

Holly Kennedy said...

The dragonfly is the best part.
But I also love the trailer.
It's great!

Lisa R said...

Love the trailer but I adore the dragonfly. I've never, ever seen an orange one before. Totally cool. Loved the conference on Saturday, it was a blast!

Heidi Willis said...

That book club looked like so much fun! How cool to have one come to you! How cool to be in a book club that travels to Hawaii! I need to see about joining one of those! :)

Love the trailer! What was the bunny for though? I did read the book almost in one whole sitting, but I think I'd remember that!

Andrea Eames said...

Love the trailer! Confused by the rabbit!

But I think my cat may dispute Touloose's right to the title King of the World. Perhaps they could share it on some sort of rota basis?

ORION said...

I think the rabbit was for being lucky- or lucky as a rabbit in clover? Anybody read Spanish?

Travis Erwin said...

Cool promo and a lucky dragonfly. You just may be well on the way top stardom in Spain.

Les said...

Love that trailer!! And, how cool is that ORANGE dragonfly?!! It's a sign! :)

Bookfool said...

An almost all-blonde book group! Too fun!

Love the dragonfly. When I bought a dragonfly necklace, not long ago, I thought of you. I'll have to take a picture of it, sometime.

Touloose looks sad but regal. He would make a lovely trailer star. I really do need to learn Spanish.

Sandra Cormier said...

Ooooh, the dragonfly means great things for book number two.

Sandra Cormier said...

The trailer went too fast for my thirty year old Spanish but I caught: Lottery is pure gold.

Adrienne said...

Amazing pic of the dragonfly! How did you manage to capture it in flight?!

Tyhitia Green said...

Wish I was there. I'll get to Hawaii one day. :*)

Great trailer and the orange dragonfly---cool.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

What's the deal in Hawaii - do you HAVE to be blonde??? An orange dragonfly - wow. A good omen. We had a bad omen yesterday. We were looking at a house to rent, wondering if we could afford it. In the backyard we spied a bullfrog. My husband poked it with a stick - it was "stuck" in the leaves. Move leaves with stick. Bullfrog's leg was in a small snake's mouth. The snake had bitten off (or tried to) more than he could chew. I left feeling rather ill.

Tooloose looks regal. The crown suits him!

ORION said...

It's required.
The hair dye is passed out at the airport...

Ada [The Duchess] said...

I have to hate you. It's so sunny and beautiful you could...well it looks amazing.

You lucky woman!

You and your girls look like a fun bunch.

Mary said...

In all honesty, that’s probably the best book trailer I’ve seen: punchy, atmospheric, and not too long. I took the white rabbit to represent purity and luck.

The orange dragonfly: definitely a sign! :)