You guessed it.
Read on to find out.
83 degrees and 8:22 pm.
I need to go to bed.
"Why?" I hear you ask.
Well This next photo is a hint.
I get to do some radio interviews for morning shows.
Morning shows on the east coast.
So let's review.
What does that mean for Pat?
In Hawaii.
8:30 am EST = 2:30 am HST
Can you do the math?
So my land line is on the ready- My coffee maker just has to be turned on. And how do I act?
I'm me.
Can I be anything else at 2 am?
So anyway I did important things today just like all the famous authors I know.
I did laundry. Mopped my floor. Did my dishes. Yup. I got a lot of writing done today.
Then I looked for Touloose. Couldn't find him anywhere. Searched for him all over.
Even checked out on the dock. In my neighbors cockpit.
Where did I finally discover him?
In my husbands underwear cubby.
Touloose does not make the distinction between a cave for super duper kitty hunter of dangerous and truly awful creatures such as dust bunnys and crumbled up bank receipts -- and my husband's underwear cubby.
He is who he is.
I learn from Touloose. In interviews it is tempting to create an author persona. But yanno.
Bottom line?
You have to come home to your own underwear cubby.
And that's the truth.
WPOC RADIO INTERVIEW with Laurie DeYoung in Baltimore! Scroll down past the photo of LOTTERY and listen to the broadcast.
Good morning! You works. Remain You. Enjoy the coffee.
I like Touloose. How did the interview go?
Pat! The NY Times gave Lottery a really nice mention today!
Here's the link:
Here's the copy and paste:
By Patricia Wood
310 pages. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. $24.95.
In the line of literature’s holy fools, running from, say, the utterly simple-minded Chance in “Being There” to the bombastically cunning Ignatius J. Reilly in “A Confederacy of Dunces,” the protagonist of Patricia Wood’s first novel lands somewhere in the middle, not far from Forrest Gump. Perry L. Crandall’s I.Q, is 76, and as he says, “You have to have an I.Q. number less than 75 to be retarded.” He has lived a cosseted life in a small seaside town with his aging Gram. “She always called me lucky and honest,” Perry reports before explaining, for our benefit, “Being honest means you don’t know any better.”
Gram also, fortunately, warned him about his craven relatives. But then Gram dies, and Perry (named for TV’s Perry Mason) wins the Washington State Lottery, and the family buzzards circle. So do a few angels. But Perry is up to the challenge. “What a crock,” he exclaims at one point, before explaining, for our benefit, “Crock means untrue or a lie. It can also mean a pot you cook beans in.”
So, Pat? How's the weather by you? Windy? Stormy? Looks like we have the same forecast here for next week... :-(
As long as you don't forget to put your trousers on and appear in public in your skivvies!!
good point zany
I put this on my sidebar-
I blogged a picture of the NYT piece on Lottery. You need to subscribe to the Times to read it online - but it's well worth it. They have a new reader system that makes the online version look exactly like a print newspaper. It's great! Pat is in the Washington Post too!
Touloose looks like how I FEEL inside some days, but I just can't see myself climbing into any
underwear drawer *LOL*
Hope your interviews went well.
Wonderful stuff fromt the NY Times and Washington Post!!!!
Hey! Hope it's all going well. Hope Toulouse is not crawling all over you when you're trying to sleep!
We put Panda on The Writerly Pause. When you've got a cat batting your fingers on the keyboard, or climbing up to sit on your shoulders while writing, it reminds you: feed the cat first!
Pat, check out yesterday's post in the Tess Gerritsen blog:
Are you doing that land-line interview in the laundry room? At 2 AM! At least there shouldn't be much noise. lol
Cat's teach you a lot about life, don't they... Fiddy enforces reasonable sleep hours (he does his best sleeping curled around my head), but he also like the bathroom sink and he's trying to figure out how to perch on the chandelier. Another favorite spot is inside the "triangle" of the row of coathangers where my pants are hanging.
Good thing, I guess, that my clothes are cat hair friendly.
Looking forward to next week on Maui. How's the weather there in HI?
I LOVE Touloose! He's just such an original - kinda like his owner. Poor Gordon having his underwear cubby flaunted on the Internet! Seriously, great metions in both the Times and the Post. Awesome.
Didn't I see Touloose on LOLCats? He should be there if he isn't! LOL
Cats are inspiration.
Oh, and LOLCats is as, in case you're unfamiliar with it.
Hope the interview went well! Will it be posted online?
Gotta love the kitties, eh?
Mine like to sit in the sink, for some reason.
I've been known to curl up in underwear cubbys. No, wait, maybe it was curl cubby in my underwear. No, that's not it. Maybe curling in my cubby underwear, seems a bit cold, never mind.
On those reviews in the Times and the Post . . .
"A guide to a happy life," and "a wonderful first novel." What more could you ask for?
That's really great news, with two of the country's biggest papers.
best wishes
I love the interview on WPOC. I think she did a really good job letting you lead the interview --and hey! She's read part of it and seems to have done her homework.
Bravo to both of you!
Pat, I just saw you in Writer's Digest! Very, very cool.
See now you're the second person to say that! Here in Hawaii it takes us WEEKS to get magazines- you'll just have to tell me about it!
I love yr. cat and Congratulations on your book. Just read a great review of it on Gather by my friend and author Patry Francis. Can't wait to read it.
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