Thursday, July 12, 2007


Tell me what you think. There will be continual changes and updates.
I hope you like it!


Gay said...

Looks good. Are you the webmaster? The only suggestion I have is that you title your page so that the tab doesn't read "untitled" in the browser. That's pretty easy to do...

I like your blog better, though. It feels like home. :D

Mindy Tarquini said...

OMG! It looks great! Who did it for you?

Anissa said...

I love the pictures! Very nice! So official. :)

Holly Kennedy said...

The dragonfly background is great, Pat. Good luck. Good fortune. I checked your blog 10 mins ago, posted my comment LAST (go see) and then refreshed and here was this new post re: your Web site.
Busy day at your end, huh?!?!!

ORION said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ORION said...

The tweaks involve renaming the homepage... magical incantations I know nothing about. (IknownothingIknownothingIknownothing)
I am assured it should be fixed tomorrow but check it out anyway. The home button does not work but the other buttons do.
Gay I think that is the other thing that will be addressed. I was in a hurry to get it back up so it is my fault there are glitches.
My husband is my webmaster!
At least that is what HE says.

Anonymous said...

I like it, interesting and informative but not cluttered. I too like dragonflies, very symbolic. Best Wishes.

Zany Mom said...

Love it. I shouldn't have gone, you know. You just had to post an excerpt. Didn't I tell you I'm impatient and can't wait?? ARGH!!


My daughter loves Perry and will probably hover and drool over my shoulder until I'm done (once I ever track down a copy, that is).

Very cool, Pat. :D

Josephine Damian said...

I really like the dragon fly wallpaper on the website.

What I really like is that enamel pin you have pictured here. Any idea where we can find a pin like that?

Lisa R said...

I love the new website! Very cool, however, I agree with Gay - your blog feels like home! Tell Gordon I'm impressed by his Harry Potter like skills with all that computer "stuff".

Kanani said...

Hey....What do Matt Damon and you have in common?
Come over to my blog and see!

Mindy Tarquini said...

Holy Mother of God, Kanani!

ORION said...

my dragonfly is an ebay score:
a Catherine Popesco made in France


Polly Kahl said...

That is gorgeous Pat, congratulations! Is your hubby a web desginer or did he use a template? Looks very professional, much more so than the old one, and how fitting that the timing is perfect.

Anonymous said...

You and I have something in common. A thing for Dragonflies.

Love the new look. And one day when Mindy gets me good and drunk, I'll tell you guys my sooper sekkrit Dragonfly Story.

writtenwyrdd said...

Gorgeous page. Have you read Agent Kristin's blog this week about author websites? You might find it useful for future reference.

I want more diving pictures when you have time, Oh Famous One.