Sunday, January 14, 2007


8 PM and 77 degrees.
Have a great evening.


Holly Kennedy said...

Are you posting this snapshot to torment me?! It's MINUS 34 degrees below here and I'm sitting on a hot water bottle while I write tonight. I have a neck warmer on because my basement office is colder than the base camp at Everest... and you're floating around on a boat in Hawaii. What a rotter!

ORION said...

No I have many many people to torment. You are not the only one.

Kimber Li said...

I'm Pat's victum in Alaska, Holly. What say we grab her and toss her into a glacier?

Sleepless Writer said...

Gawwwd, what a beautiful view! I wanna join ya, pick me up off the raft over there to the left.

ORION said...

OK OK I agree it was very insensitive of me to post this. I will think warm thoughts of you all.