Saturday, March 22, 2014


THE END… Good. My manuscript is finished. Or pretty much done. Nearly there. Whatever… Little voices in my head. My characters bickering with me. Bickering with each other. "You aren't done with us are you?" "Don't we have to save the world? Fall in Love? Have a terminal disease and have a really poignant death scene?" No, I tell them. You behave. You're done. I made you do everything you need to do. Stop bothering me. "But she got more lines than I did." "Hey, that's because I was the main character." "*cough* *cough* I don't think so." "Well I was key in the inciting incident." "No I think you were key in comic relief." "Stop hitting me." "You started it." "Did not." "Did too." "Did not." Can. You. All. BE QUIET! I'm trying to get some sleep. *Whisper* "See what you did? Now you pissed her off." "What do you mean me? You were the one who said we needed to do more." "Yeah well I think she missed some opportunities. This manuscript could really do well except for your portrayal." "MY portrayal? MY PORTRAYAL??!!!" "I just don't think you're sympathetic enough." "I'm sympathetic. You're deeply flawed. DEEPLY flawed." If you guys can't shut up I will write you BOTH out of this book. You hear me? "This is all your fault." "YOUR fault." "YOUR FAULT." "What's that sound?" "Uh oh. She's going over to her computer." "She's typing." "Hey we're sor_" "Please. Don't ARRRRGGG_" Ah. Blessed silence. Being an author is much more pleasant without characters...


Unknown said...

Belated congratulations on completing your manuscript! (and coming back to the blogging world - didn't realize you were going to pick it up again so soon!). Looking forward to more posts!

Ric Marion said...

Nice to see you back. Wondered where everyone went.

Sharon Maas said...

Hi Patricia, long time no see, and congratulations on finishing the MS! Look forward to reading it and hearing all those characters "in person"!

Ellis M said...

I can relate, my own stories sometimes feel like they have a mind of their own.