Tuesday, December 08, 2009


It never snows in Honolulu so we have to TELL our populace that it's the holiday season and not SHOW them...
A shot from the Christmas Light Parade on December 5.

All the people in the real world can look outside to bare trees, snow, and frigid temperatures and voila! You KNOW it's December and the holiday season...
As my husband's mother used to say when she woke up and opened the curtains:
"It's another GD beautiful day in paradise."

Whenever anyone finds out I'm a writer they ask "What do you write?"
And I say, "Stories."

And they say, "What kind of stories?"

And I say, "Well... not vampires, not thirty-somethings in NYC. I don't write about Zombies or sea monsters invading classic literature." (although I am sorta kinda thinking about "A Tale of Two Apocalypses." I even know the first line already: It was the worst of times and it was the worst of times...)

Anyway the person says, "So what DO you write?"

And I have to stop and think. "Well um...whimsy...you know. But not romance although people DO fall in love and um...not explosions or serial murderers or wizards."

And then the person's eyes just start to glaze over and they inch away.

Which may be a good thing. But I stand there all alone talking to myself.

"And I DON'T write about space ships or Alien Monkees or fairies or old ladies who solve mysteries using ESP or..."

And for your amusement:

So what don't YOU write about?
Inquiring authors want to know...


Anonymous said...

I don't write horror, although I used to read it constantly. I don't write fantasy or scifi or anything with mages...I don't even know what a mage is. LOL! I don't write historical anything or what my mom called naked people romances. You know those covers that have men in lacy shirts falling off, and the women are in full ball gowns in the middle of a swamp?

I do write what I guess is romantic comedy. Not fluffy like chick lit, and not all about romance more like a "dramedy" of sorts. Life, with all its quirks, and a romance thrown in. But try querying that.

Holly Kennedy said...

Not easy boiling it down, is it?

I've been tagged 'upmarket women's fiction' + 'commercial mainstream' but I like to say I write about people, their relationships and the trouble they go through along the way... who knows!

ORION said...

Oh I know... I DON'T write self-hep books...

Bernita said...

(And waddyaknow,verification is "volock" - which makes me think of a vampire-warlock thingy.)

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

I dont' write Christian lit - too many swears!

Anonymous said...

I've simplified the whole thing: simply don't write. Problem solved.
Zoroasters Dog