Our tour in Puerto Vallarto ended up being a pointless never-ending tour through impassible roads to …you guessed it…a tequila factory. One of those unscheduled stops that they don’t tell you about. Not rain, nor hurricane warnings nor rockslides would deter our guide (I think he worked for the Mexican Post Office part-time.

In Acapulco I found a great visual of how I come up with those secondary character names.

And there was something fishy about this market.

And what trip to Mexico would be complete without an authentic real live drug bust. Yes folks look carefully to your right. You will see soldiers, machine guns masked men and everything.
No. Don’t be obvious.
NO! Don’t let them SEE you taking pictures.
Hey! Wait! Stop!
That’s my camera…
My ID?
Yes sir.
No sir.
I will sir.
Cameras are very reasonably priced on cruise ships.
They are duty free.
Can you spell C-O-N-F-I-S-C-A-T-E?
They confiscated your camera? That sucks.
When I worked where pictures were forbidden, we just took the film if some clueless tourist took pictures of the secured buildings. Or deleted the relevant pictures off their cameras and handed them back.
nah!!! I was just messin' with ya.
My husband was pointing to yonder mountains as if he was directing me and I shot photos of the bust...
Ah, Pat. . . teasing the authorities again! Questioning accepted authority IS part of being an artist but I doubt I'd have pushed it in a foriegn country. You DO seem to live a charmed life. . .
So many jokes. So little time.
Hmm...so? what'd you buy?
And more importantly, will you share?
HAHAHAHHA! Just kidding (in case those law enforcement people are reading)
Sorry I haven't been around. I finally have what I hope to be a good time management scheme. Let's see how long it lasts. Basically, I want to give myself permission to blog Friday through Sunday pm, then write during the week. Let's see how long it lasts...
Such fun...
You witness drug busts,
I witness bears at the bus stop (yesterday) and bears at night when I walk the dog (last night).
I think I'll take the bear.
You had me going too Pat. Glad you got out with your camera and your life intact.
Pointing to yonder mountains? Discretion, thy name is Pat!
Oh man, that was funny.
Me, when I saw the guy with the automatic rifle standing on the corner...I got my pic taken with him. He had the coolest boots on.
But I gotta ask...You live on a boat; what's with the cruise vacation??
The panama canal cruise has been something my father has always wanted to do -- so my husband and I accompanied him.
It was a total blast.
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