Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday Monday So Good To Me...

As you all know by now I heart invertebrates. Sea slugs, tiny crustaceans, creepy crawlies. When I dive I usually do not stray far. I poke around beneath coral shelfs and under rocks. This photo is from a night dive. A pin cushion sea star and a beautiful rosette of eggs from a spanish dancer. Sometimes unexpected things are the most wonderful of all.

5 am and 74 degrees.
How do you like my counter? I got it from SAMS SPOT (and when I get a bit more competent I'll put a link to her blog). It is not spyware or anything evil, I just think it is so fascinating to see how many visitors from all over the world come to visit. THANK YOU ALL!!!
THANKS for visiting. THANKS for commenting and most of all THANKS for all your good wishes!
This morning an alert friend sent me the Publishers LUNCH in which LOTTERY is prominently featured.
OK so let's review.
My edited version is being read by my editor.
My agent is on a week hiatus. Actually it is a company wide retreat. And I have a meeting with one of my professors this morning.
I have a decision to make.
To finish PhD or no.
I am so close (course work done, committee and proposal approved) but far (comps and dissertation to go) and have SO MANY other obligations now.
And besides.
I am trying to figure out what I will use it for now?
Why do I want my doctorate?
What would you guys do?
I can sign up for a one credit independent study while I decide, but I will have to make a decision.


Anonymous said...

That is definitely a tough situation to be in. Honestly I don't think anyone can answer this riddle for you. (Honestly I never even had a chance to go to college, and as much as I regret it, I now see no purpose in my going.)

Your passion for invertebrates sounds akin to my passion for fossils. If ever I am on a lakeshore, you can undoubtedly find me hunched over the shallows delving through the treasures the tides have washed up.

Zany Mom said...

My gut says, if you're so close to getting the doctorate, why not finish? Easy for me to say, because I don't know just how much work and effort is involved, and how it will impact your writing.

One of the reasons I stopped querying a few years ago. Life got nuts, and what if an agent wanted my stuff? Sold my stuff? I had no creative energy to devote to anything writing related. I doubt they'd say, 'sure, take a year to get your life together, we'll wait.'

I'm not huge on degrees for a degree's sake, just cuz letters after my name are important. They're not. Why did you pursue the Ph.D. in the first place? Use your answers to decide.

Zany, with a doctorate, only because it was necessary for my job of choice.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pincushion starfish - what a cute little chap!

I alos love giving advice, I'm a Leo, so of course I know it all, lol.
But I think you have to decide what's best for YOU. What you don't want is to look back and regret not doing something that you could have done.
LOL! I'm sure you'll make the right choice for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Love your new counter, Pat. I was actually wondering how I could add one to my blog site. When I get home (stuck in Denver airport) I'll call and have you walk me through it, ok?

Anonymous said...

You strike me as the type of woman that if you do not finish it, that fact will bother you for all eternity.
I say go for it, but with realistic expectations as to available time and what-not in your newly-busied schedule. :0)


Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but my general advice would be to get the degree. It's odd to think that a PhD would help sell novels, but it might - we're a country that loves credentials :)

That said, however - may you be filled with peace and joy whichever you choose!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have no advice for the doctorate thing, but I love you pictures so much! It's way helpful to this of us in frigid climates.
(Supposed to be ten degrees on Friday, brrr!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

I probably wouldn't. Being a stay-at-home mother, I've learned to be very strict about priorities because I always have a bazillion things to do. I've learned to let go of some things while letting something else to come to the forefront. I have a bachelor's degree on hold myself right now. Between childrearing, husband with a crazy work schedule, and writing novels, I don't think I'll finish it for a while. But, that's okay. This is the season of my life. 'To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven."
;) So, my advise is to sit down and list your priorities, particularly when it comes to the demands of your time. Can you put out as many novels as your publisher wants you to if you're juggling it with finishing your phd? Even if you can, will your husband became only a roommate (boat-mate) in the process?

Kimber An

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my two cents' worth (which is worth, exactly, nothing!). I read all of your postings last night, and it sounds like you have quite a body of work built up. What would it take to finish them? A little polishing, a lot of editing? How soon does your publisher want more of your work? (Lord, I know envy is a sin.... please forgive me!) Can you do both? You've come so far - to quit now on your PhD seems a shame. I guess what another person commented is the wisest course - weigh the pros and cons. You're a heartbeat away from having it ALL. What does it feel like, to be on the cusp of so much? Breathless? Excited? Scared ****less? :) Eileen

Anonymous said...

I vote for finishing it. Although I myself am just 23 units shy of my B.S./B.A. if my life would accomodate it I would be there in a flash! I just know the priority for my is Elizabeth (my daughter) now - homeschooling her. And besides like one of the comments - what would I use a B.A. for in business. In the world, it just shows tenacity - the ability to stick with something til it's through. That just doesn't seem to be something I got at home...... I hope I can be more successful with my daughter.....

ORION said...

Hey aren't you my twin?